Stepcare’s mission is to help you achieve optimal health and well-being, not just for your benefit but for ours too - because we believe that a healthy you is a win-win situation for both you and Stepcare!
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Effective , Efficient and Rapid

Stepcare believes that competent training is the bedrock of any health service.

We are strong proponents of Evidence-Based Medicine which we believe
provides an effective, efficient, and rapid healthcare service to the widest range of individuals.

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Stepcare provides some of the best courses available in the United Kingdom to support Indian medical professionals who wish to follow an evidence-based approach to supporting their patients.

Widely practised in the world’s best healthcare systems, Evidence-Based Medicine means making the best decisions for a patient using the best evidence, combined with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values. It is proven to improve transparency, accountability and fundamentally to boost the quality of care and patient outcomes.

Visiting Professional Programmes

International Clinical Fellowship

International Clinical Fellowship

Clinical Attachment

Clinical Attachment

Clinical Observership

Clinical Observership

Our Partners
