
Stepcare believes that competent training is the bedrock of any health service.

We are strong proponents of Evidence-Based Medicine which we believe provides an effective, efficient, and rapid healthcare service to the widest range of individuals.

Image of Stepcare interior

StepCare provides some of the best courses available in the United Kingdom to support Indian medical professionals who wish to follow an evidence-based approach to supporting their patients.

Widely practised in the world’s best healthcare systems, Evidence-Based Medicine means making the best decisions for a patient using the best evidence, combined with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values. It is proven to improve transparency, accountability and fundamentally to boost the quality of care and patient outcomes.

Image of Stepcare interior

We want to inspire both the current and the next generation of Indian medical professionals equipping them with the skills and knowledge to deliver the highest quality healthcare.

These programs offer a range of practice models from observation to hands-on clinical practice and can be tailored depending on the experience and qualifications of the clinicians

involved. Programs range from four weeks to 12 months. During the placements, clinicians will observe and participate in a range of tailored activities and bespoke programs with one or across a number of specialties.

Career benefits include:

  •  Clinics and ward rounds
  •  Observing surgery in daycare and main theatre setting
  •  Assisting with clinical trials
  •  Participation in weekly multidisciplinary meetings
  • collaborating with our clinicians on research projects
  •  Participation in bespoke projects
  •  Attending educational study days
Image of Stepcare interior

Stepcare offers a Visiting Professional Program that provides healthcare professionals with the opportunity to visit our hospital and observe our healthcare practices. 

Overall, the Visiting Professional Program at Stepcare provides a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to observe our healthcare practices and learn from our experiences. By participating in this program, healthcare professionals can enhance their skills and knowledge, foster professional relationships, and contribute to international collaborations in healthcare.

Sign up to our primary care service
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